Weather over MQTT

Live data from EMF’s own weather station.

There is a weather station attached to a mast at HQ. Various sensor readings are pushed to MQTT topics listed below every ten seconds.

The broker is at mqtt:// (more info on the MQTT broker page). The prefix for each topic is emf/weather/.

  • runtime: Weather station runtime in seconds.
  • tempin: Temperature in the HQ cabin in degrees Celsius.
  • humidityin: Humidity in the HQ cabin in %RH.
  • baromabs: Pressure reading in millibars.
  • temp: Outdoor temperature in degrees Celsius.
  • humidity: Outdoor humidity in %RH (must be above 40).
  • winddir: Wind direction in degrees.
  • windspeed: Wind average speed in miles per hour.
  • windgust: Wind gust speed in miles per hour.
  • maxdailygust: Maximum daily wind gust speed in miles per hour.
  • solarradiation: Solar radiation measured in lux.
  • uv: Ultraviolet radiation index.
  • rainrate: Rainfall in mm of last ten minutes x6 (hourly forecast).
  • eventrain: Total rainfall since last zero reading in mm.
  • hourlyrain: Total rainfall over the previous hour in mm.
  • dailyrain: Total rainfall over the previous day in mm.
  • weeklyrain: Total rainfall over the previous week in mm.
  • dewpoint: Dewpoint in degrees Celsius.
  • feelslike: Feels like temperature in degrees Celsius (temp must be above 26.7).
  • heatindex: Heat index in degrees Celsius (temp must be above 26.7).
  • solarradiation_lux: Solar radiation in lux.
  • windchill: Wind chill (temp must be below 12 and windspeed above 3).