Phonebook JSON

Fetch the public phonebook over HTTP

You can fetch a JSON representation of the public phonebook from this URL:

Here is some example output, formatted prettily:

    "value": "1020",
    "label": "NOC",
    "typeofservice_id": "SNOM"
    "value": "9000",
    "label": "Bananaphone",
    "typeofservice_id": "SIP"
    "value": "3800",
    "label": "Joe Bloggs",
    "typeofservice_id": "DECT"

Possible values for typeofservice_id are:

  • App (routed to Jambonz)
  • DECT
  • Group
  • GSM
  • POTS
  • SIP
  • SNOM (orga desk phone)
Last modified May 24, 2024: Remove errant comma (5a57a79)