Bar data

Opening times, live stock, prices and sales data for the Bar and Cybar.

Example data is from this year’s database, although sale prices are still subject to change.

Prior to the event, this interface is available for testing at although we make no guarantees about the accuracy of the data returned!

2024 Bars

There is a simple read-only interface to the till system running the main bar and the Null Sector bar. It’s available via HTTP GET from and returns JSON, except when you request an object that does not exist when it will return HTTP 404.

Some types of object can be subscribed to over a websocket connection. These objects have a property “key” that you can use to identify them. You will receive a fresh copy of the object over the websocket connection immediately after subscription, and then again whenever the object is updated. The websocket is at wss://

The web service that implements this API is here.

Data types

All these data types are represented as JSON objects. Integers are represented as JSON numbers, Decimals are represented as JSON strings, times are local times in ISO 8601 format.


Only received over a websocket connection. Sent when the websocket server can’t parse your request.


  • type: the string “error”
  • message: a description of the problem


  "type": "error",
  "message": "Invalid request"

Not present

Only received over a websocket connection. Sent when the key you subscribed to does not exist, or ceases to exist. The subscription remains valid and if the key is created in the future you will receive it.


  • type: the string “not present”
  • key: the key that is not present


  "type": "not present",
  "key": "stocktype/12345"


A time period that the bar is planned to be open.


  • type: the string “session”
  • opening_time: opening time
  • closing_time: closing time


  "type": "session",
  "opening_time": "2024-05-31T11:00:00",
  "closing_time": "2024-06-01T01:00:00"


Everything sold through the till has a “department”, which is a general classification by type (real ale, keg, wine, etc.)


  • type: the string “department”
  • id: an integer uniquely identifying the department
  • description: a string describing the department
  • notes: an optional string giving more information


  "type": "department",
  "id": 90,
  "description": "Wine (bottles)",
  "notes": "Available in 125ml, 175ml and 250ml"

Stock type


  • type: the string “stocktype”
  • key: the object’s websocket key
  • id: an integer uniquely identifying the stock type
  • department: the Department object associated with the stock type
  • manufacturer: a string naming the manufacturer
  • name: a string describing this type of stock; unique per manufacturer
  • abv: an optional Decimal giving the alcohol by volume
  • fullname: manufacturer, name and abv combined into a single string
  • price: the sale price as a Decimal, including VAT where appropriate, for a sale_unit_name of this type of stock
  • logo: the path to a PNG logo, or null if not present
  • tasting_notes: tasting notes as HTML, or null if not present
  • base_units_bought: the amount of stock bought in base units as a Decimal
  • base_units_remaining: the amount of stock remaining in base units as a Decimal
  • base_unit_name: a string giving the unit in which we count how much of this stock we have bought and sold, eg. “pint” or “ml”
  • sale_unit_name: a string giving the unit in which we sell this type of stock, eg. “bottle” or “pint”
  • sale_unit_name_plural: plural form of sale_unit_name
  • base_units_per_sale_unit: the number of base units per sale unit as a Decimal
  • stock_unit_name: a string giving the unit in which we count this type of stock, eg. “pint” or “1l carton”
  • stock_unit_name_plural: plural form of stock_unit_name
  • base_units_per_stock_unit: the number of base units per stock unit as a Decimal


  "type": "stocktype",
  "key": "stocktype/1",
  "id": 1,
  "department": {
    "type": "department",
    "id": 20,
    "description": "Craft Keg",
    "notes": null
  "manufacturer": "Milton",
  "name": "Dynamo",
  "abv": "3.9",
  "fullname": "Milton Dynamo (3.9% ABV)",
  "price": "5.00",
  "logo": "/media/emf/product-logos/f6ecbcf8bac0d2ac95791a9aad246666fe2c3a48924966145f914d8b645cc4f7.png",
  "tasting_notes": null,
  "base_units_bought": "1056.0",
  "base_units_remaining": "1056.0",
  "base_unit_name": "pint",
  "sale_unit_name": "pint",
  "sale_unit_name_plural": "pints",
  "base_units_per_sale_unit": "1.0",
  "stock_unit_name": "pint",
  "stock_unit_name_plural": "pints",
  "base_units_per_stock_unit": "1.0"
  "type": "stocktype",
  "key": "stocktype/28",
  "id": 28,
  "department": {
    "type": "department",
    "id": 70,
    "description": "Soft Drink Cartons",
    "notes": null
  "manufacturer": "Sunpride",
  "name": "Apple Juice",
  "abv": null,
  "fullname": "Sunpride Apple Juice",
  "price": "2.50",
  "logo": null,
  "tasting_notes": null,
  "base_units_bought": "36000.0",
  "base_units_remaining": "36000.0",
  "base_unit_name": "ml",
  "sale_unit_name": "pint",
  "sale_unit_name_plural": "pints",
  "base_units_per_sale_unit": "568.0",
  "stock_unit_name": "litre",
  "stock_unit_name_plural": "litres",
  "base_units_per_stock_unit": "1000.0"

Stock item

Some types of stock are divided into “items”, for example we may have three casks of a particular type of beer. When they are put on sale on the bar, the amount remaining is counted for each item as well as for the type of stock as a whole.


  • type: the string “stockitem”
  • key: the object’s websocket key
  • id: an integer uniquely identifying the stock item
  • stocktype: the StockType object for the stock item
  • description: a description of the item, for example “Firkin” or “50l keg”
  • remaining: the number of base units remaining of this stock item
  • size: the number of base units originally in this stock item
  • remaining_pct: a Decimal representing the percentage of this item that is remaining


  "type": "stockitem",
  "key": "stockitem/3",
  "id": 3,
  "stocktype": {
    "type": "stocktype",
    "key": "stocktype/1",
    "id": 1,
    "department": {
      "type": "department",
      "id": 20,
      "description": "Craft Keg",
      "notes": null
    "manufacturer": "Milton",
    "name": "Dynamo",
    "abv": "3.9",
    "fullname": "Milton Dynamo (3.9% ABV)",
    "price": "5.00",
    "logo": "/media/emf/product-logos/f6ecbcf8bac0d2ac95791a9aad246666fe2c3a48924966145f914d8b645cc4f7.png",
    "tasting_notes": null,
    "base_units_bought": "1056.0",
    "base_units_remaining": "1056.0",
    "base_unit_name": "pint",
    "sale_unit_name": "pint",
    "sale_unit_name_plural": "pints",
    "base_units_per_sale_unit": "1.0",
    "stock_unit_name": "pint",
    "stock_unit_name_plural": "pints",
    "base_units_per_stock_unit": "1.0"
  "remaining": "88.0",
  "size": "88.0"
  "remaining_pct": "100.00"

Stock line

Everything sold on the till is sold through a “stock line”. In some cases, this is a physical thing: a hand pump on the bar, a keg tap, or a place on the bar where we keep boxes of cider. In other cases, it’s just an abstract thing, for example “the Orange Juice is currently Princes Orange Juice cartons”.

There are two variants of the StockLine object. The “full” varient has type “stockline” and has all the properties listed below. The “brief” varient has type “stockline-brief” and does not have the stockitem or stocktype properties.


  • type: the string “stockline” or “stockline-brief”
  • key: the object’s websocket key
  • id: an integer uniquely identifying the stock line
  • name: a string describing this stock line
  • location: a string describing the physical location of this stock line
  • note: a string describing the state of this stock line or the product on sale on it; may be blank
  • linetype: a string describing the type of line; this will be regular for lines where particular stock items are put on sale, or continuous for lines where a whole stock type is on sale
  • stockitem: the StockItem object on sale on this stock line, if the line is of type regular and there is something on sale on it; otherwise null
  • stocktype: the StockType object on sale on this stock line, if the line is of type continuous; otherwise null


  "type": "stockline",
  "key": "stockline/104",
  "id": 104,
  "name": "Tap 1",
  "location": "Bar",
  "note": "Example",
  "linetype": "regular",
  "stockitem": {
    "type": "stockitem",
    "key": "stockitem/3",
    "id": 3,
    "stocktype": {
      "type": "stocktype",
      "key": "stocktype/1",
      "id": 1,
      "department": {
        "type": "department",
        "id": 20,
        "description": "Craft Keg",
        "notes": null
      "manufacturer": "Milton",
      "name": "Dynamo",
      "abv": "3.9",
      "fullname": "Milton Dynamo (3.9% ABV)",
      "price": "5.00",
      "logo": "/media/emf/product-logos/f6ecbcf8bac0d2ac95791a9aad246666fe2c3a48924966145f914d8b645cc4f7.png",
      "tasting_notes": null,
      "base_units_bought": "1056.0",
      "base_units_remaining": "1056.0",
      "base_unit_name": "pint",
      "sale_unit_name": "pint",
      "sale_unit_name_plural": "pints",
      "base_units_per_sale_unit": "1.0",
      "stock_unit_name": "pint",
      "stock_unit_name_plural": "pints",
      "base_units_per_stock_unit": "1.0"
    "remaining": "88.0",
    "size": "88.0"
    "remaining_pct": "100.00"
  "stocktype": null
  "type": "stockline",
  "key": "stockline/130",
  "id": 130,
  "name": "Club Mate Regular",
  "location": "Fridge",
  "note": "",
  "linetype": "continuous",
  "stockitem": null,
  "stocktype": {
    "type": "stocktype",
    "key": "stocktype/8",
    "id": 8,
    "department": {
      "type": "department",
      "id": 75,
      "description": "Club Mate",
      "notes": null
    "manufacturer": "Club Mate",
    "name": "Regular 500ml",
    "abv": null,
    "fullname": "Club Mate Regular 500ml",
    "price": "2.80",
    "logo": "/media/emf/product-logos/f38444690c6b28a8dbd6a238c1741d36dd6990aa09243dda4c30513292580a8e.png",
    "tasting_notes": null,
    "base_units_bought": "1700.0",
    "base_units_remaining": "1700.0",
    "base_unit_name": "bottle",
    "sale_unit_name": "bottle",
    "sale_unit_name_plural": "bottles",
    "base_units_per_sale_unit": "1.0",
    "stock_unit_name": "bottle",
    "stock_unit_name_plural": "bottles",
    "base_units_per_stock_unit": "1.0"


All endpoints return JSON objects; where an endpoint needs to return a list, it returns an object with the list as the value of a key.


/api/sessions.json returns a list of current and future bar Sessions.

Example (N.B. the times in this example are not final and may change during the event based on available volunteers, etc.):

  "sessions": [
      "type": "session",
      "opening_time": "2024-05-29T20:00:00",
      "closing_time": "2024-05-29T23:00:00"
      "type": "session",
      "opening_time": "2024-05-30T15:00:00",
      "closing_time": "2024-05-31T00:30:00"
      "type": "session",
      "opening_time": "2024-05-31T11:00:00",
      "closing_time": "2024-06-01T01:00:00"
      "type": "session",
      "opening_time": "2024-06-01T11:00:00",
      "closing_time": "2024-06-02T01:00:00"
      "type": "session",
      "opening_time": "2024-06-02T11:00:00",
      "closing_time": "2024-06-03T01:00:00"

Event progress

/api/progress.json returns general information about bar progress.

Although this drives a couple of graphs on the bar web site it is not intended to be scientifically accurate!

Properties (all Decimal percentages):

  • licensed_time_pct: how far through the sessions are we at the moment?
  • expected_consumption_pct: how far through the sessions are we at the moment, with a weighting applied per session based on experience at previous events?
  • actual_consumption_pct: how much of the booze have we used? “Booze” is any stock type with a non-null abv, including those with an abv of “0.0”.


  "licensed_time_pct": "0",
  "expected_consumption_pct": "0",
  "actual_consumption_pct": "0"


/api/departments.json returns the complete list of Departments.


  "departments": [
      "type": "department",
      "id": 10,
      "description": "Real Ale",
      "notes": null
    /* many departments omitted */
      "type": "department",
      "id": 100,
      "description": "Cup re-use",
      "notes": null

Beers and ciders on tap

/api/on-tap.json returns lists of Stock items on sale on the bar at the moment. The list is divided in to real ales (on handpumps), keg beers and ciders (on taps) and real ciders (sold from boxes on the bar).


  • ales: list of real ale Stock items
  • kegs: list of keg beer/cider Stock items
  • ciders: list of real cider Stock items

/api/cybar-on-tap.json returns lists of Stock items on sale on the bar in Null Sector. The list is divided in to keg beers and ciders (on taps) and real ciders (sold from boxes on the bar).


  • kegs: list of keg beer/cider Stock items
  • ciders: list of real cider Stock items

Example from /api/on-tap.json:

  "ales": [],
  "kegs": [
      "type": "stockitem",
      "key": "stockitem/3",
      "id": 3,
      "stocktype": {
        "type": "stocktype",
        "key": "stocktype/1",
        "id": 1,
        "department": {
          "type": "department",
          "id": 20,
          "description": "Craft Keg",
          "notes": null
        "manufacturer": "Milton",
        "name": "Dynamo",
        "abv": "3.9",
        "fullname": "Milton Dynamo (3.9% ABV)",
        "price": "5.00",
        "logo": "/media/emf/product-logos/f6ecbcf8bac0d2ac95791a9aad246666fe2c3a48924966145f914d8b645cc4f7.png",
        "tasting_notes": null,
        "base_units_bought": "1056.0",
        "base_units_remaining": "1056.0",
        "base_unit_name": "pint",
        "sale_unit_name": "pint",
        "sale_unit_name_plural": "pints",
        "base_units_per_sale_unit": "1.0",
        "stock_unit_name": "pint",
        "stock_unit_name_plural": "pints",
        "base_units_per_stock_unit": "1.0"
      "remaining": "88.0",
      "size": "88.0",
      "remaining_pct": "100.00"
  "ciders": []

All stock types

/api/stocktypes.json lists all the types of stock remaining at the bar and cybar.

⚠️This is a fairly expensive API call, please do not poll it! If you want to receive updates, save the object keys and subscribe to the objects over the websocket.


  "stocktypes": [
      "type": "stocktype",
      "key": "stocktype/16",
      "id": 16,
      "department": {
        "type": "department",
        "id": 10,
        "description": "Real Ale",
        "notes": null
      "manufacturer": "Ledbury",
      "name": "Admiral Parker Pale Ale",
      "abv": "4.0",
      "fullname": "Ledbury Admiral Parker Pale Ale (4.0% ABV)",
      "price": "5.00",
      "logo": "/media/emf/product-logos/40bf1d101e329f015fb74b597a372e4fe3bce75eb11504b95b1984c3708b518c.png",
      "tasting_notes": "<p>This 4% pale only uses hops grown by Simon Parker at Instone Court in Bishops Frome. We have Simon’s Admiral, Opus, Ernest and Emperor hops. It is amazing that you can get the complex aromas of Orange, Lemon, Mint, Peach, Tea, Lime, Apricots and Pepper from not just locally grown hops but from hops grown on a single farm in Herefordshire.</p>",
      "base_units_bought": "144.0",
      "base_units_remaining": "144.0",
      "base_unit_name": "pint",
      "sale_unit_name": "pint",
      "sale_unit_name_plural": "pints",
      "base_units_per_sale_unit": "1.0",
      "stock_unit_name": "pint",
      "stock_unit_name_plural": "pints",
      "base_units_per_stock_unit": "1.0"
    /* many, many stocktypes omitted! */
      "type": "stocktype",
      "key": "stocktype/32",
      "id": 32,
      "department": {
        "type": "department",
        "id": 90,
        "description": "Wine Bottles",
        "notes": "Available in 125ml, 175ml and 250ml"
      "manufacturer": "Inkosi",
      "name": "Sauvignon Blanc",
      "abv": "13.5",
      "fullname": "Inkosi Sauvignon Blanc (13.5% ABV)",
      "price": "20.00",
      "logo": null,
      "tasting_notes": null,
      "base_units_bought": "27000.0",
      "base_units_remaining": "27000.0",
      "base_unit_name": "ml",
      "sale_unit_name": "bottle",
      "sale_unit_name_plural": "bottles",
      "base_units_per_sale_unit": "750.0",
      "stock_unit_name": "bottle",
      "stock_unit_name_plural": "bottles",
      "base_units_per_stock_unit": "750.0"

All stock types in a department

You can retrieve all stock types in a department using /api/department/<int:dept_id>.json. If you know the department ID, this is more efficient than retrieving everything from /api/stocktypes.json and filtering locally.

⚠️This is a fairly expensive API call, please do not poll it! If you want to receive updates, save the object keys and subscribe to the objects over the websocket.

For example, to retrieve the Club Mate stock levels you can fetch from /api/department/75.json:

  "stocktypes": [
      "type": "stocktype",
      "key": "stocktype/9",
      "id": 9,
      "department": {
        "type": "department",
        "id": 75,
        "description": "Club Mate",
        "notes": null
      "manufacturer": "Club Mate",
      "name": "Granat 500ml",
      "abv": null,
      "fullname": "Club Mate Granat 500ml",
      "price": "2.80",
      "logo": "/media/emf/product-logos/e4852de71fb174907169b8b011a751e5bcb34efa60ce5683a167d8d9e1b75f36.png",
      "tasting_notes": null,
      "base_units_bought": "700.0",
      "base_units_remaining": "700.0",
      "base_unit_name": "bottle",
      "sale_unit_name": "bottle",
      "sale_unit_name_plural": "bottles",
      "base_units_per_sale_unit": "1.0",
      "stock_unit_name": "bottle",
      "stock_unit_name_plural": "bottles",
      "base_units_per_stock_unit": "1.0"
      "type": "stocktype",
      "key": "stocktype/8",
      "id": 8,
      "department": {
        "type": "department",
        "id": 75,
        "description": "Club Mate",
        "notes": null
      "manufacturer": "Club Mate",
      "name": "Regular 500ml",
      "abv": null,
      "fullname": "Club Mate Regular 500ml",
      "price": "2.80",
      "logo": "/media/emf/product-logos/f38444690c6b28a8dbd6a238c1741d36dd6990aa09243dda4c30513292580a8e.png",
      "tasting_notes": null,
      "base_units_bought": "1700.0",
      "base_units_remaining": "1700.0",
      "base_unit_name": "bottle",
      "sale_unit_name": "bottle",
      "sale_unit_name_plural": "bottles",
      "base_units_per_sale_unit": "1.0",
      "stock_unit_name": "bottle",
      "stock_unit_name_plural": "bottles",
      "base_units_per_stock_unit": "1.0"

Retrieve a specific stock type

If you know the stock type ID you can fetch the Stock type object for that directly from /api/stocktype/<int:stocktype_id>.json.

For example, to fetch the record for Stowford Press, you can fetch from /api/stocktype/10.json:

  "type": "stocktype",
  "key": "stocktype/10",
  "id": 10,
  "department": {
    "type": "department",
    "id": 35,
    "description": "Keg Cider",
    "notes": null
  "manufacturer": "Westons",
  "name": "Stowford Press",
  "abv": "4.5",
  "fullname": "Westons Stowford Press (4.5% ABV)",
  "price": "4.50",
  "logo": "/media/emf/product-logos/f584a1ee8a3dafd443aaa6d991c8e18c7e3febf483ff1edad730691dec881ff1.png",
  "tasting_notes": "<p>A refreshing medium-dry sparkling cider that is bursting with the delicious flavour of crisp cider apples.</p>",
  "base_units_bought": "704.0",
  "base_units_remaining": "704.0",
  "base_unit_name": "pint",
  "sale_unit_name": "pint",
  "sale_unit_name_plural": "pints",
  "base_units_per_sale_unit": "1.0",
  "stock_unit_name": "pint",
  "stock_unit_name_plural": "pints",
  "base_units_per_stock_unit": "1.0"


/api/locations.json lists all of the stock line locations at the bar and cybar. These can be used to filter stocklines.


  "locations": [
    "Back bar",
    "Null Sector",
    "Optics (main bar)",
    "Optics (Null Sector)"

Stock lines

/api/stocklines.json lists all of the stock lines at the bar and cybar.

By default it returns the “brief” variant of the StockLine object. You can request full StockLine objects by setting the “output” query parameter to “full”; please be aware that this can be an expensive query and you should not use it to poll! Subscribe to updates using the websocket interface instead.

You can restrict the output to stock lines of a particular type using the “type” query parameter, and to a particular location using the “location” query parameter. For example:

  • /api/stocklines.json?type=regular&location=Bar
  • /api/stocklines.json?type=regular&location=Null%20Sector

Example output for location=Bar:

  "stocklines": [
      "type": "stockline-brief",
      "key": "stockline/119",
      "id": 119,
      "name": "Cider 1",
      "location": "Bar",
      "note": "",
      "linetype": "regular"
      "type": "stockline-brief",
      "key": "stockline/120",
      "id": 120,
      "name": "Cider 2",
      "location": "Bar",
      "note": "",
      "linetype": "regular"
      "type": "stockline-brief",
      "key": "stockline/121",
      "id": 121,
      "name": "Cider 3",
      "location": "Bar",
      "note": "",
      "linetype": "regular"
      "type": "stockline-brief",
      "key": "stockline/100",
      "id": 100,
      "name": "Pump 1",
      "location": "Bar",
      "note": "",
      "linetype": "regular"
      "type": "stockline-brief",
      "key": "stockline/101",
      "id": 101,
      "name": "Pump 2",
      "location": "Bar",
      "note": "",
      "linetype": "regular"
      "type": "stockline-brief",
      "key": "stockline/102",
      "id": 102,
      "name": "Pump 3",
      "location": "Bar",
      "note": "",
      "linetype": "regular"
      "type": "stockline-brief",
      "key": "stockline/103",
      "id": 103,
      "name": "Pump 4",
      "location": "Bar",
      "note": "",
      "linetype": "regular"
      "type": "stockline-brief",
      "key": "stockline/104",
      "id": 104,
      "name": "Tap 1",
      "location": "Bar",
      "note": "Example",
      "linetype": "regular"
      "type": "stockline-brief",
      "key": "stockline/105",
      "id": 105,
      "name": "Tap 2",
      "location": "Bar",
      "note": "",
      "linetype": "regular"
      "type": "stockline-brief",
      "key": "stockline/106",
      "id": 106,
      "name": "Tap 3",
      "location": "Bar",
      "note": "",
      "linetype": "regular"
      "type": "stockline-brief",
      "key": "stockline/107",
      "id": 107,
      "name": "Tap 4",
      "location": "Bar",
      "note": "",
      "linetype": "regular"
      "type": "stockline-brief",
      "key": "stockline/108",
      "id": 108,
      "name": "Tap 5",
      "location": "Bar",
      "note": "",
      "linetype": "regular"
      "type": "stockline-brief",
      "key": "stockline/109",
      "id": 109,
      "name": "Tap 6",
      "location": "Bar",
      "note": "",
      "linetype": "regular"

Null Sector bar / “Cybar”

The Null Sector bar sells the same stock as the main bar, with a couple of exceptions:

  • The beers and ciders on tap are different: fetch the current selection using /api/cybar-on-tap.json instead of /api/on-tap.json, or filter for “location=Null Sector” using /api/stocklines.json
  • Although the selection of spirits is the same, the individual bottles are necessarily different! Use /api/stocklines.json filtering for “location=Optics (Null Sector)” to retrieve the details specific to Null Sector

All other stock (wines, cans, bottles, soft drinks) is not tracked separately between the bars.

Web socket

You can connect to the web socket at wss://

Once connected, you can subscribe to a key by sending the string SUBSCRIBE key, for example SUBSCRIBE stockline/107.

You can unsubscribe from a key by sending the string UNSUBSCRIBE key. You will not receive a response. If an update to that key was already on the way to you, you may still receive it even after unsubscribing.

Shortly after you subscribe to a key, you will be sent the corresponding object. If the system does not know about that object, you will be sent an object with type “not present”. The subscription will remain in place, and if the object is subsequently created you will receive it. (This is most likely to happen if the till server reboots: the service that responds to websocket requests may finish starting up before the service that forwards changes in state from the till database to the object store.)

Whenever the object changes state, you will receive an updated copy.

Web socket objects

All the objects mentioned above that have a key property can be subscribed to over the web socket.

Additionally, the following objects are only available over the web socket.

Totals by Unit

Key: totals/by-unit

This object gives the amounts sold broken down by Unit, where Unit is one of the following:

  • 25ml measure
  • Bottle (not wine)
  • Can
  • Pint (draught)
  • Pint (from carton)
  • Wine bottle

The amount sold is given as a Decimal. If the amount sold is zero, the Unit is omitted.


  "type": "totals by unit",
  "key": "totals/by-unit",
  "units": {
    "Can": "1.0"

Cups re-used

Key: totals/cups-re-used

This object gives the number of cups that have been brought back to the bar to be re-filled. (When someone brings a cup to the bar to be filled with their drink, rather than take a fresh cup from our supply, we offer a small discount. This event we are paying a small amount to hire re-usable plastic cups, but a larger amount for each one actually used and requiring cleaning.)

This object is not updated in real-time. Instead, an update is published every minute.


  "type": "cups re-used",
  "key": "totals/cups-re-used",
  "count": 1


All the objects that can be subscribed to over the websocket will also be published over MQTT, as emf/bar/{key} (eg. emf/bar/stockline/100). The “retain” flag will be set.

If a key is removed, a message with a zero length payload will be published (to remove the retained data) and then a “Not present” object will be sent without the “retain” flag set.

Check out the MQTT broker page for details on how to connect.

Last modified May 27, 2024: Add bar MQTT topic details (f8721d1)